12 Things People With Great Hair Do Every Day

Follipur Pure Moroccan Argan Oil

If you're constantly chasing perfect hair, turn away from all those pricey salons and trendy treatments that do more to drain your wallet than help your hair. And instead, pick up some simple daily habits that will actually make a positive difference. We asked some of the worlds top stylists to spill their secrets on things people with fantastic hair do daily, and here's their list!

1. Avoid heat styling as much as possible.

Let's be honest, sometimes you don’t have much of a choice. But when in doubt, Mike Dueñas, celebrity hairstylist, recommends steam rollers, which are more gentle on the hair and do not get overly warm, as they're solely heated by steam passing through the foam rollers. But if you’re in a bind and absolutely have to use hot tools (curling irons, blow dryers, hot rollers, wands, flat irons), try to always use a spray-in heat protectant.

2. Sleep on soft fabrics.

Silk or high quality cotton’s smooth texture won't rough up your hair follicles when you sleep the way rougher fabrics do, leaving you with smoother and softer hair, explains Suave Professionals celebrity stylist Marc Francis. This means fewer frizzy strands in the morning! Now that's the dream (pun intended).

3. Keep your hair clean.

We’ve been hearing a lot about the No-Poo movement lately (not shampooing hair to preserve the natural oils), but Cristophe Salon owner Scott Fontani urges you to listen to consider the options. "As long as you are using quality products, you can benefit from frequent washing," he explains. "It can reduce split ends, provides moisture, and gives hair an overall shiny look." The question is, how often do you lather up? Jeff Miller, M.D., professor of dermatology at Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine suggests these straightforward rules to follow: Wash daily or semi-daily if you live in a city with high pollution or humidity, or if you work out daily. Wash every few days if you live in a more rural environment away from pollutants, or in an especially dry climate. Simple right?

4. Don’t skimp on the moisturizer.

The skin on your scalp needs moisture just like the skin on your face and hands does, especially if it's expected to provide a healthy foundation for hair to grow, explains Ria Capri of Clear Scalp & Hair. She says: "A general rule is to condition every time you shampoo."

But the moisturizing doesn't need to end once you leave the shower. You should consider combing through a protective product like Argan Oil. It can reduce dryness, frizz, breakage, split ends, and can even protect your color!

5. Stay loyal.

It's a misconception that switching up your hair care brands keeps your hair healthier, but experts disagree. Instead, they suggest finding a simple routine that works for you and sticking with it. Remember: Your hair doesn't really know the difference. And while it's perfectly fine to change things up when searching for that ideal combination that leaves you with killer volume— once you find it, don't let it go.

6. Eat the right foods.

For all the attention we pay to the hair follicle and hair strands once they leave the scalp, half the battle for beautiful hair is already fought with what you're putting in your body every day. According to Dr. Rob Dorin, New York City-board certified diplomat of the American Board of Hair Restoration, what you eat plays a huge role in growth, and volume.

"A diet rich in zinc, iron, protein, and Omega-3 fatty acids, will help stimulate your hair follicles for growth." Dorin recommends alternating between lean chicken, red meat, and fish during the week for optimum hair growth.

7. Take your vitamins.

Even if your diet is perfect, it's possible to miss out on some crucial hair-boosting vitamins. Not sure if you need them? Dr. Frank Lippman, founder of Eleven Eleven Wellness Center, says the answer is in how healthy your nails and skin look. For example, if your fingernails are ridging or if you have dry, flaky skin, chances are your hair is probably crying out for help, too. But that's easy to fix: Once you start taking the right combo of vitamins, you can get fuller, shinier, and stronger hair in just a few months. Lippman recommends a strong Biotin-B7 supplement to get started, which will directly help with hair strength and growth. Bonus: Your nails and skin will also benefit.

8. Limit time in the sun without protection.

Just think of the damage that a day without sun protection can do to your skin, but even though your hair suffers equally, it can be much harder to tell. To prevent sun damage, Rik Rak Master Stylist Marcelo suggests applying a leave-in conditioner or Argan Oil at every other day or so. Careful application from mid-shaft to the ends of hair can combat damage from — pollution, UV rays, wind, and saltwater.

And if you're headed on vacation or to the beach where the heat will be coming at you non-stop from all directions, spritz a generous amount of heat protectant with SPF onto damp or dry hair before going out, and reapply after swimming — just like sunscreen for your skin.

9. Steer clear of snarls and tangles.

Before you go ripping a comb or brush through your wild strands, think about the process — and be gentle. Use a wide-toothed comb for particularly tangled hair, and always brush from bottom to top to avoid ripping and creating more knots.

10. Get regular trims — even when growing out her hair.

You might be tempted to skip trims when growing out your hair, but to add healthy length, you actually need to do the opposite. Mari Kate O'Connor, senior colorist and educator at Eva Scrivini Salon stands firm that a very mild haircut every six to eight weeks is necessary to prevent split ends from forming as the hair strands split.

"When the split extends up the hair shaft, it becomes so thin that it breaks — that's when people get breakage." And once your hair splits, there's no way to repair it, so keep it trimmed to prevent harmful breakage before it starts and to keep your hair strong.”

11. Keep it cool in the shower.

When you're washing your hair, you don't want the water too hot (see tip #1), warns Dave Ederry, owner of Attitudes Paris Salon in Houston. Excess heat can take the volume out of your hair, leaving you with flat-limp locks. Instead, opt for warm water — this temperature still allows you to work up a nice lather while still staying hot enough to rinse clean. And when it comes to the final conditioner rinse, the colder the better. Chilly water firms up the hair and locks in those important nutrients, creating a beautiful, healthy luster.

12. Know the right amount of product to use.

If you cover your entire hair and scalp when you shampoo or conditioner, you're probably using too much! Concentrate the shampoo on the first few inches of hair at the scalp, where you get the most oil and product buildup — the ends of your hair don't need as much cleansing. As for conditioner, work it in from the mid-way to the ends where the hair is driest and more prone to split ends.